2nd Grade
Content Overview
Below are the major units of study in English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Social Studies, and Science.
English Language Arts
Reading Units
- Cultural Fables and Fairy Tales
- Extreme Weather
- Then and Now
- The Earth
- Activism
- Plants
Writing Units
- Personal Narrative
- Narrative-Fractured Fairytales
- Writing about Reading
- Informational Writing
- Opinion Writing
- Evidence-based Writing
- Poetry
- Sums and Differences to 100
- Addition and Subtraction of Lengths Units
- Place Value, Counting and Comparison to 1,000
- Addition and Subtraction within 200
- Addition and Subtraction within 1,000
- Foundations for multiplication and division
- Problem Solving with length, money, and data
- Time, Shapes, and Fractions (equal parts of shapes)
Social Studies
- Citizenship
- Protecting and Providing: Rules, Laws, and Government
- Geography
- America’s Story
- Physical Science and Engineering: Selecting and Using Materials in the Design Process
- Earth Science: Mapping Land and Water
- Earth Science: Dealing with Changes to the Earth
- Life Science: Organisms Needs and Interactions
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