4th Grade
Content Overview
Below are the major units of study in English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Social Studies, and Science.
English Language Arts
Reading Units
- Early America
- My Story
- Revolution and Independence
- Constitution and Leaders
- Heroic Adventures
Writing Units
- Personal and Persuasive Essays
- Realistic Fiction Narratives
- Literary Essay: Fiction
- Poetry
- Rounding
- Addition and Subtraction Algorithm
- Multi-digit multiplication and division
- Fraction equivalence, ordering, and operations
- Decimal Fractions
- Angle Measurement and Plane Figures
Social Studies
- Early America
- My Story
- Revolution and Independence
- Constitution and Leaders
- Heroic Adventures
Reading and Social Studies are taught together in 4th grade Humanities.
- Life Science: Organism Structure and Behavior
- Earth Science: Changes Over Time to Earth’s Surface
- Physical Science: Using Energy Transformation
- Physical Science: Using Wave Energy
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