5th Grade
Content Overview
Below are the major units of study in English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Social Studies, and Science.
English Language Arts
Reading Units
- Westward Expansion
- Civil War
- Reconstruction
- Civil Rights Movement
Writing Units
- Personal and Persuasive Essays
- Narrative Craft
- Memoir
- Researched-based Argument Essay
- Poetry
- Place Value and Decimal Fractions
- Multi-digit Whole Number and Decimal Operations
- Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Multiplication and Division of Frations
- Addition and Multiplication with Area and Volume
- Problem Solving with Coordinate Planes
Social Studies
- Westward Expansion
- Civil War
- Reconstruction
- Civil Rights Movement
Reading and Social Studies are taught together in 5th grade Humanities.
- Earth and Space Science: Observing the Sky
- Physical Science: Interactions with Matter
- Life Science: Flow in an Ecosystem
- Earth Science: Human Impact on the Earth’s Systems
Contact Information

Paul Stewart
Science Teacher

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