DCPS Policies

DCPS Policies

Read more about important DCPS Policies below.


District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) is committed to creating a discrimination-free environment.DCPS does not discriminate and does not tolerate discrimination in its education programs or activities (including employment therein or admission thereto) on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual assault), age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, source of income, credit information, or status as a victim or family member of a victim of domestic violence, sexual offense or stalking.

To view our Notice of Non-Discrimination, relevant policies and to learn more about Anti-Discrimination within DCPS visit: dcps.dc.gov/anti-discrimination. For more information or to file a complaint, contact the Comprehensive Alternative Resolution & Equity (CARE) Team by mail at 1200 First St NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002; by phone at (202) 442-5405 or by email at dcps.care@k12.dc.gov. To file a sex-based discrimination complaint, contact the Title IX Coordinator by mail at 1200 First St NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002; by phone at (202) 442-5405 or by email at dcps.care@k12.dc.gov.


Declaración antidiscriminatoria Las Escuelas Públicas del Distrito de Columbia (DCPS) se comprometen a crear un entorno libre de discriminación. Las DCPS no discriminan y no toleran la discriminación en sus programas o actividades educativas (incluyendo el empleo en el mismo o admisión en el mismo) en base a la raza, el color, la discapacidad, la religión, el origen nacional, el sexo (incluyendo el acoso sexual y la agresión sexual) reales o percibidos, edad, estado civil, apariencia personal, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, estado familiar, responsabilidades familiares, matriculación, afiliación política, información genética, fuente de ingresos, información de crédito o estado de víctima o familiar de una víctima de violencia doméstica, ofensa sexual o acecho.Para ver nuestro Aviso de antidiscriminación, las políticas relevantes y para más información acerca de la antidiscriminación dentro de las DCPS, visite: dcps.dc.gov/anti-discrimination. Para más información o para presentar una queja, comuníquese con el Equipo Integral de Resolución Alternativa y Equidad (CARE, por sus siglas en inglés) por correo postal a la dirección 1200 First St NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002; por teléfono al (202) 442-5405 o por correo electrónico a dcps.care@k12.dc.gov. Para presentar una queja de discriminación por razones del sexo, comuníquese con el Coordinador del Título IX por correo postal a la dirección 1200 First St NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002; por teléfono al (202) 442-5405 o por correo electrónico a dcps.care@k12.dc.gov.
የፀረመድልዎመግለጫ (Anti-Discrimination Statement)የኮሎምብያዲስትሪክትየሕዝብትምህርትቤቶች (DCPS)ከአድልዎነፃየሆነአካባቢንለመፍጠትበቁርጠኝነትይሠራል።DCPS በትምህርታዊፕሮግራሞቹወይምእንቅስቃሴዎቹውስጥ፣ (በዚህውስጥበቅጥርሁኔታላይወይምከዚህምጋር፣ገብቶመማርን/admission አካትቶ)በእውንወይምይሆናልተብሎበሚገመትወይምበሚታሰብ፤በዘር፣በቀለም፣በሃይማኖት፣በዜግነት፣በፆታ፣በዕድሜ፣በጋብቻሁኔታ፣በአካላዊገጽታ፣በፆታዊአመለካከት፣በፆታመለያወይምአገላለጽ፣በቤተሰብሁኔታ፣በቤተሰብኃላፊነቶች፣በትምህርትደረጃ፣በፖለቲካዊዝንባሌ፣በዘርአመጣጥ (genetic) መረጃ፣በጉዳተኝነት፣በገቢምንጭ፣የክሬዲትመረጃ፣በቤትውስጥጥቃትእንደተጎጂነትበመሆንወይምየቤተሰብአባልተጎጂበመሆኑምክንያት፣በወሲባዊጥቃትወይምአድብቶበማሳደድ፤ምንምዓይነትአድልዎአያደርግምእናአድልዎንምበትዕግስትአይቶየሚያልፈውአይደለም።አድልዎአልባማስታወቂያችንን(Notice of Non-Discrimination)’ ለመመልከት፣አስፈላጊየሆኑፖሊሲዎችን፣እናDCPS
ውስጥስለፀረአድልዎየበለጠለማወቅ: dcps.dc.gov/anti-discrimination ላይይጎብኙ።ተጨማሪመረጃንለማግኘትወይምአቤቱታንፋይልለማድረግ፤‘Comprehensive Alternative Resolution & Equity (CARE) ቡድንን፣1200 First St NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002 ደብዳቤበመላክ፤በስልክ(202) 442-5405 ወይምበኢሜል ፣dcps.care@k12.dc.gov አነጋግሩ።በወሲብጥቃትላይመሠረትያደረገአቤቱታንፋይልለማድረግ፤‘Title IX Coordinator’1200 First St NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002 ደብዳቤበመላክ፤በስልክ (202) 442-5405 ወይምበኢሜልdcps.care@k12.dc.gov አነጋግሩ።
反歧政策府公立学校(DCPS)致力于造一个没有歧境。DCPS在其教育划或活(包括其中的就或入学中不歧也不容忍基于实际或察的种族、肤色、残疾、宗教、国籍、性(包括性骚扰和性侵犯)、、婚姻状况、个人外表、性取向、性别认同或表达、家庭状况、家庭任、入学、政治派遗传信息、收入来源、信用信息或作家庭暴力、性犯罪或跟踪的受害者或受害者家庭成的身份的歧想要看我的不歧通知、相关政策并了解有关DCPS内反歧的更多信息,请访问dcps.dc.gov/anti-discrimination 如需更多信息或提出投请联合替代解决方案和公平(CARE)团队地址1200 First St NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002; (202)442-5405件至 dcps.care@k12.dc.gov。想要提交基于性的歧过邮Title IX 协调员,地址1200 First St NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002;(202)442-5405件至dcps.care@k12.dc.gov
DCPS Notice on Non-Discrimination

In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the D.C. Human Rights Act of 1977, the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) does not discriminate (including employment therein or admission thereto) on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, disability, source of income, status as a victim of an interfamily offense, or place of residence.  Sexual harassment, sexual violence and gender identity are all forms of sex discrimination, which is prohibited by the Act.  In addition, harassment based on any of the above-protected categories is prohibited.

Discrimination in a violation of the aforementioned laws will not be tolerated.  Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.  Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies of DCPS will be handled as follows

Click here for more information.

Bullying Prevention
Bullying has become a serious issue with young people nationwide.  It affects students at every level, from elementary to high school.  In an effort to proactively address the issue of bullying the District of Columbia Public Schools has created a Bullying Prevention Policy.  The policy lays out clearly, the definition of bullying and the steps required by schools to address it.  The entire policy is available to download below.  
Chapter 25

The Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools, pursuant to section 103 of the District of Columbia Public Education Reform Amendment Act of 2007 (Act), effective June 12, 2007 (D.C. Law 17-9; D.C. Official Code § 38-172) (2007 Supp.), and Mayor’s Order 2007-186 (August 10, 2007), hereby gives notice of the adoption of the following rule. The rule will repeal Title 5, Chapter 25 of the D.C. Municipal Regulations (DCMR), and replace it with Chapter B25 to establish revised student discipline rules for the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). A notice of proposed rulemaking was published in the D.C. Register on March 27, 2009 ( 56 DCR 2399). No changes have been made to the text of the proposed rules. Additionally, the Student Discipline Regulations Approval Resolution of 2009 (PR18-201) was submitted to the Council on April 7, 2009. The Council has neither approved nor disapproved of the rulemaking during the required 45 day period of Council review and they are therefore deemed approved pursuant to section 103 of the Act. These rules shall become effective on the date of publication of this notice in the D.C. Register

Click here for more information.

Grading Policy
This policy guidance conveys requirements related to pre-K-12 grading for school year 2020-21 as a response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The grading requirements contained in the DCPS Secondary Grading and Reporting Policy that are not addressed in this policy guidance remain in effect.
Graduation Policy

DC Public Schools (DCPS) is unveiling updated regulations, policies, and implementation protocols related to attendance, graduation, secondary grading, and promotion. At the core of these changes is DCPS’ commitment to crafting policies that are supportive, inclusive, and equitable. Through these policies, DCPS will ensure that all students have opportunities to learn and succeed throughout their educational journey. These policies aim to set clear expectations on the standards of excellence our students must meet as well as what supports DCPS will provide along the way.

PreK to Grad Guide for Families – English

PreK to Grad Guide for Families – Spanish

The Healthy Schools Act

The Healthy Schools Act of 2010, DC Official Code § 38-821.01 et seq., is a comprehensive piece of legislation that ensures District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), public charter schools, and participating private schools are a healthy place for all students. The Healthy Schools Act includes many health and nutrition requirements for District schools and agencies, including: nutrition and food-sourcing standards, local reimbursements, and public disclosure requirements for meals; requirements for vending, fundraising, and prizes in schools; programs for promoting farm-to-school, locally-grown, and sustainable agriculture practices; physical education and health education requirements and standards; the Environmental Literacy Program and school gardens program; and funding for school health-related grants. More information about this work is available in the links provided below.

Click here for more information.

DOH Immunization Requirements

All students attending school in DC must present proof of appropriately spaced immunizations by the first day of school. Please
complete and return your student’s school health forms including the Universal Health Certificate and Oral Health Assessment Form.

Forms found here.