
Join Our Fall PTA Fundraising and Engagement Drive
Everyone belongs! At Ross, every family, every teacher, and every staff member are valued members of the Ross PTA. Instead of an annual membership drive, this fall we invite all members of our community to Fall for Ross.
What does the Ross PTA Do?
- Hosts events to build community
- Supports Ross teachers and staff
- Raises funds to offset school operating costs, enabling Principal Searl to increase Ross staffing from the DCPS allocated budget, instead of funding non-personnel items.
3 Ways to Fall for Ross
Our engaged school community is an important part of what makes the Ross environment such a welcoming, supportive place for our children to learn and grow.
This fall, we invite you to support your PTA in three ways:
- Make a monetary donation. We ask families to consider donating $50/month ($600 annually). We understand this isn’t possible for everyone. Please give as you’re able and help your PTA maintain its strong programs.