Kinder with Sawyer
Content Overview
Below are the major units of study in English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Social Studies, and Science.
English Language Arts
Reading Units
- Community Workers
- Changes in Nature
- Elements of a Story
- Around the World
- Conservation
Writing Units
- Writers Workshop
- Writing as a Reader
- Poetry
- How-to Books
- Persuasive Writing
- Number to 10
- 2D and 3D Shapes
- Comparison of Length, Width, and Capacity
- Addition and Subtraction to 10
- Numbers to 100
- Analyzing, Comparing and Composing Shapes
Social Studies
- Citizenship: You can be a Hero
- Economics: I have, I want, I need
- Geography: What I am and Getting around Town
- America’s Story: Symbols, History, and Traditions
- What is science?
- Dealing with Weather
- Using Force to Change Motion
- Humans and the Needs of Organisms
- Living Things and their Habitats
Contact Information

Amber Sawyer
Classroom Teacher

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