Ross Enrichments

Ross Athletics
4th-5th Grade
At Ross, all 4th and 5th grade students are invited to join Cross Country in the fall and Track in the Spring. These meet on Wednesday afternoons during the seasons. Also, Archery is offered in the winter on an invitation basis.
Contact Jason Shegda, Athletics Director, for more information or to sign up.
Our athletics program invites students to participate in competitive sports in a fun way. Students look forward to meets against other DC schools.
Chess Club
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Participants solve puzzles and play chess games against each other under the supervision of FIDE Master Zivorad “Ziko” Djuric.
Beginners (usually K-2nd) meet on Mondays and more advanced players (usually 3rd-5th) on Fridays, from 8:00-8:40 am. Classes are on a drop-in basis and cost $15 per class.
Contact Ziko Djuric for more information.
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Spanish language before school instruction is provided by Isabella & Ferdinand. Classes are twice a week, 7:55 – 8:40 am.
More information here. The fall classes are currently full, but registration will open later in the year for the session beginning January 2024.
Enrichments in Yoga and Drawing will be announced in the near future.

Sunrise Scholars & Afternoon Academy
Invitation Only! K-5th Grade
Sunrise Scholars and Afternoon Academy are a part of a districtwide initiative known as School Year Academic Acceleration (SYAA). This initiative was introduced as a response to addressing academic needs of students that may have been exacerbated by three unconventional school years. Students invited to Sunrise Scholars or Afternoon Academy are those that have been identified as requiring an additional layer of support. These decisions are made by analyzing benchmark and progress monitoring data in math and ELA. Space in these groups is limited, thus participation is by invitation only. SYAA is not a punitive program nor is it an indicator that a student is failing, it is simply an effort to provide students with what they need to be as successful as possible. While this is a part of a district-wide initiative, the support we provide at Ross is tailored to the needs of our students.
Contact Ashlee Adams for further information.