December STEM in the CITY
Visit the
Botanic Gardens!
Where is the Botanic Garden?
United States Botanic Garden Conservatory
100 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20001
Transit: Red Metro Line to Judiciary Square
Ways to Engage
Choose at least one to do with your family
or come up with your own!
Train Display Check out the train display in the outside garden. The train travels to farms all over the world! Can you find all 13 farms? What do the farms grow? How are the farms different from one another? |
Monuments and Museums Head inside to see D.C. monuments, museums, and landmarks made out of NATURAL MATERIALS! What are they made out of? Why did the artist choose that material? Try to create your own structure using only natural materials. Click here to read more. |
Plant Environments Check out the exhibits in the Botanic Gardens. Visit each different environment. How are the plants in the desert different from the plants in the tropics? Do all plants need the same thing to survive?
Plant Parts See if you can find all the plant parts as you walk through the gardens. -Roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds Read here for more information. |
Complete the December STEM in the CITY?
Remember to take a picture or video and send it to Mrs. Sawyer at amber.sawyer@k12.dc.gov OR tag @RossSTEM on Instagram.
Each month get a new keychain charm to add to your ring!
Dec: Botanic Garden Logo

Celebrating NOVEMBER STEM in the CITY
Here are some photos of families who joined in celebrating Architecture in November! The Big Build event was incredible!
Questions about STEM in the CITY?
Reach out to Amber Sawyer, STEM Coordinator at amber.sawyer@k12.dc.gov.
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