May STEM in the CITY
Visit the
3001 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
Transit: Red Metro Line to Woodley Park
Ways to Engage
Choose at least one to do with your family
or come up with your own!
Animal Adaptations On your zoo visit, each person select 1 animal. Discuss together what parts your animal has that help it survive. Then compare how your animal parts are the same or different. Want an extra challenge? Bring along paper and drawing tools. Create a new animal that combines parts from each of the animals your family chose!
Animal Demo Time your visit with an animal demonstration. This is a great way to learn more about an animal of interest and ask questions!
Environments As you walk throughout the zoo see if you can find animals from these 5 different environments: Desert, rainforest, plains, river, mountains Look closely in each animal’s exhibit. How are they getting their needs met?
Engage from home Can’t make it to the zoo this month? The zoo offers some amazing programming online. Click here and scroll down to PAST PROGRAMS and choose some videos and activities to do together.
Complete the May STEM in the CITY?
Remember to take a picture or video and send it to Mrs. Sawyer at amber.sawyer@k12.dc.gov OR tag @RossSTEM on Instagram.
Each month get a new keychain charm to add to your ring!
May: Panda
Celebrating April’s STEM in the CITY
Here are some photos of families who celebrated Earth Day!
- We had families starting gardens, composting, exploring new global ecosystems, and petitioning politicians. Ross cares about the planet!
Questions about STEM in the CITY?
Reach out to Amber Sawyer, STEM Coordinator at amber.sawyer@k12.dc.gov.
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