March STEM in the CITY
Visit the
Air and Space Museum!
6th Street and Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC 20560
Transit: Orange/Silver/Blue Metro Line to Smithsonian
Ways to Engage
Choose at least one to do with your family
or come up with your own!
Compare and Contrast Choose 1 machine that flies on Earth and 1 machine that flies out of Earth’s orbit and into space. How are these machines the same?How are these machines different? Think about the machine’s shape, size, parts, and materials.
Scientific Drawing Bring paper and coloring tools with you to the museum. Visit the EXPLORING THE PLANETS gallery. Closely observe, draw, and color the planets. Work to capture their size and colors. What planet do you think humans will visit first? |
Tell a Story Visit THE WRIGHT BROTHERS or DESTINATION MOON exhibit. Use the artifacts you see to tell the story of either humans in flight or our journey to landing on the moon.
Perspective Visit the ONE WORLD CONNECTED exhibit. What are all the tools that have been invented that allow us to connect across the planet AND give us a new perspective of our planet Earth?
Complete the February STEM in the CITY?
Remember to take a picture or video and send it to Mrs. Sawyer at amber.sawyer@k12.dc.gov OR tag @RossSTEM on Instagram.
Each month get a new keychain charm to add to your ring!
Feb: Rocket

Celebrating February’s STEM in the CITY
Here are some photos of families who visited the Botanic Gardens.
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